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owes, D.G., Boyes-Varley, J.G., Lownie, J.F., The Zygomatic Implant Protocol in the treatment of the severely resorbed maxilla. SADJ 2003; 58:3; 106-114

The zygomaticus dental implant, designed by Nobel BioCare, was developed primarily for the treatment of the severely resorbed maxilla. Branemark has reported an overall success rate of 97.6% with the placement of over 200 zygomatic implants during the period 1989 to 2001.

There are well-defined characteristics within the patient’s resorbed skeletal frame which guide the surgical placement of the zygomatic implant, thus determining whether the surgeon should use an implant with a 45° or 55° angulated head.

This allows implant-supported restoration of the resorbed maxilla with a fixed cross arch prosthesis in the maxilla without a bone graft to the posterior maxilla.

The use of a modified head angulation of 55°, with implant placement as close to the crest of the edentulous ridge as possible, allows restorative clinicians to achieve an ideal restorative position in the posterior maxilla.

The use of a zygomatic implant with a 55° head reduces the buccal cantilever by 20%.

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