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Shifting your view on full arch rehabilitation.


Shifting your view on full arch rehabilitation.

The INVERTA® Implant Solution

The anatomic limitations of the anterior maxilla often require either tilting of the implant or a grafting procedure. The resulting implant angulation often necessitates a severe angle correction at the prosthetic level. This can lead to potential aesthetic and/or soft tissue complications.

INVERTA® helps clinicians achieve optimised aesthetics with its innovative Body-Shift™ design. A chamber for bone growth is created in the inverted coronal segment of the implant, decreasing pressure on the buccal plate which in turn enhances the ability to obtain natural-looking aesthetics. The wider apical portion allows the implant to achieve primary stability in immediate placement procedures.

MSC Square Coronal Threads

Designed for
blood clot and
graft stability

Body-Shift™ Design

Providing the benefits
of body shape where it is needed the most

V-Shaped Apical Threads

For maximum
primary stability
in trabecular bone

High Strength Titanium

Enables exceptional
fatigue strength

2 Connection Variations

Available in Deep Conical
and External Hex

Co-Axis® Enabled

12° Platform corrections
allow optimal use of
available bone

MSC Square Coronal Threads

Designed for blood clot and graft stability


Body-Shift™ Design

Providing the benefits of body shape where it is needed the most


V-Shaped Apical Threads

For maximum primary stability in trabecular bone


High Strength Titanium

Enables exceptional fatigue strength functionality


2 Connection Variations

Available in Deep Conical and External Hex configurations


Co-Axis® Enabled

12° Platform corrections allow optimal use of available bone

MSC Inverta Desktop
With over 25 years of clinical results.
Machined Surface Coronally implants offer a predictable treatment alternative compared to moderately rough implants.1 MSC implants provide peace of mind to both clinicians and patients, knowing it’s resilience if there is exposure to soft tissue.
This award confirms Southern's adherence to the highest quality level in the production of our dental implant ranges.
Technical Facts
  • External Hex and Deep Conical connections
  • Co-Axis® enabled: available in a 12° angulation variation
  • Available in diameters:
    • ⌀3.5 mm coronally & ⌀4.5 mm apically
    • ⌀4 mm coronally & ⌀5 mm apically
    • ⌀5 mm coronally & ⌀6 mm apically
    • ⌀5.2 mm coronally & ⌀6 mm apically
  • Available in lengths ranging from 8 – 15 mm
  • SInergy moderately rough surface
  • Body shifted coronal section vs tapered apical section is 50:50
Surgical Benefits
  • Aggressive v-shaped threads in the apical portion are designed for better primary stability
  • A narrow coronal portion creates a chamber for bone growth and more soft tissue volume
  • Square 60° coronal thread to avoid soft tissue irritation during the bone remodelling phase
  • Minimal instrumentation is required
  • Ideal for immediate placement after extraction
  • Co-Axis® enabled: available in a 12° angulation variation
  • SInergy moderately rough surface with over 20 years of clinical research showing consistently excellent results
  • Pure high strength titanium enables exceptional fatigue strength (>920 MPa)
Prosthetic Benefits
  • Classic trusted connections with sought-after modern features
  • 12° Co-Axis® provide the ideal prosthetic platform for screw-retained restorations
  • Predictable anterior aesthetics
  • Reduced laboratory and component costs
  • Allows for the use of standard prosthetic components in both internal and external connections
Instructions For Use (IFU)
Videos and Animations
The new INVERTA® Implant with its innovative Body-Shift™ Design INVERTA® Implant Product Features INVERTA® Drill
INVERTA® Surgical Placement Southern Talk: INVERTA®
Chu, S.J., Östman, P.O., Nicolopoulos, C., Yuvanoglu, P., Chow, J., Nevins, M. and Tarnow, D.P., 2018. Prospective multicenter clinical cohort study of a novel macro hybrid implant in maxillary anterior postextraction sockets: 1-year results. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 38(suppl), pp.s17-s27.

Chu, S.J., Tan-Chu, J.H., Levin, B.P., Sarnachiaro, G.O., Lyssova, V. and Tarnow, D.P., 2019. A paradigm change in macro implant concept: Inverted body-shift design for extraction sockets in the esthetic zone. Compendium, 40(7).

Chu, S.J., Tan-Chu, J.H., Saito, H., Östman, P.O., Levin, B.P. and Tarnow, D.P., 2020. Tapered versus inverted body-shift implants placed into anterior post-extraction sockets: a retrospective comparative study. Compendium, 41(5).

Levin, B.P., Chu, S.J., Saito, H., Nevins, M. and Levin, J.P., 2021. A novel implant Design for Immediate Extraction Sites: determining primary stability. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 41, pp.357-364.