Title: Smart Implants – Clever Dentistry Techniques, Tips & Traps Presented By: Dr. Costa Nicolopoulos Why? – Less Grafting – More Success- Less Invasive – More Predictable- Less Pain – More Patient Friendly- Less Time – More...
Title: MAX Masterclass Presented By: Drs. Andrew Ackermann, André Hattingh and Costa Nicolopolous Southern Implants’ site specific implants provide clinicians with additional tools to address challenging cases & the MAX Implant is no exception. This wide...
Presented By: Stephen J. Chu, DMD, MSD, CDT Immediate tooth replacement therapy has become a mainstream treatment modality for single and multiple tooth implants in the esthetic zone. However, a balance exists in the amount of primary stability afforded in extraction...
Presented By: Safa Tahmasebi, DDS, MS Advancements in implant dentistry have led to important prosthetically driven treatment planning considerations. The restorative dentist should be aware of these advancements when evaluating their patient population for possible...
The achievement of optimal aesthetic results when placing immediate anterior implants has long been one of the greatest challenges of even the most experienced clinicians. Recent introductions of both modified implant designs and enhanced tissue preservation methods...
Dental implant therapy continues to evolve to the benefit of the patient and the clinicians involved. Advances in innovation have allowed protocols to be more precise and streamlined. The resulting benefits for the patients are optimized outcomes delivered over a...