Academy of Osseointegration 2017 – Southern Implants Events
A Global Celebration of Innovation Driven Treatment Solutions
Annual Meeting – Orlando, FL USA – March 15-18, 2017
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Wednesday, March 15
- Two Hands-On Workshops Registration online at
Location: Hyatt Regency Orlando
- 9:00 am Immediate Full Arch Rehabilitation with the Co-Axis® Implant and Passive™ Abutment directed by Drs. PO Östman and Harold Baumgarten.
- 1:00 pm Post Extraction Molar Replacement with the MAX Implant directed by Drs. Andrew Ackermann and Andre Hattingh.
- Interested participants should register directly at
- Special note: the printed registration booklet lists the workshop as a single full day workshop at $400. It is two separate workshops at $200. each.
- Global Forum on Innovation 6:00 to 9:00 pm
Location: Hyatt Regency Orlando Plaza International Ballroom D
- Grab your passport for a reception around the world with dental implant global leaders highlighting Southern Implants’ Innovative Treatment Solutions.There will be wine, beer and appetizers offered during the event to mingle around.
Country Presenters
- Australia/New Zealand Dr. Neil Meredith, Dr. Andrew Tawse-Smith
- Belgium Dr. Hugo de Bruyn, Dr. Stefan Vandeweghe, Dr. Veronique Christiaens
- Canada Dr. Johan Wolfaardt, Dr. Martin Osswald
- England Dr. Andre Hattingh, Dr. Chris Butterworth
- Greece Dr. Costa Nicolopoulos, Dr. Petros Yuvanoglu
- Italy Dr. Antonio Olivo
- Scotland Dr. Duncan Robertson
- South Africa Dr. Andrew Ackermann, Dr. Dale Howes
- Sweden Dr. PO Östman
- UAE (Dubai) Dr. Safa Tahmasebi
- United States Dr. Stu Graves, Dr. Douglas Dompkowski
Thursday, March 16
- Southern Implants Corporate Forum 8:00 am
Location: Orange County Convention Center
- Moderated by Dr. Harold Baumgarten
- Dr. Stephen Chu will present on Predictable Anterior Aesthetics using Subcrestal Angle Correction™ in the Anterior Maxilla
- Prof. Hugo de Bruyn will present Long-Term Clinical Evidence on Site-Specific Implants
Throughout the Conference
- Southern Implants Booth # 539
Location: Orange County Convention Center
The exhibits open on Thursday at noon and close Saturday at 2:00 pm.
• Coffee with the Experts at the Booth
Southern Implants will host “Coffee with the Experts” during the breaks to discuss Innovative Treatment Solutions with recognized Key Opinion Leaders.
- Thurs PM Dr. Andrew Ackermann
- Thurs PM Dr. Dale Howes
- Fri AM Dr. Andre Hattingh
- Fri AM Dr. Stephen Chu
- Fri Lunch Dr. Costa Nicolopoulos
- Fri Lunch Dr. Stu Graves
- Fri PM Dr. Antonio Olivo
- Fri PM Dr. Dale Howes
• Poster Presentations and Oral Scientific Research Abstract Presentations
Southern Implant Clinicians are some of the most forward thinking clinicians and several are being recognized at this meeting.
A few of interest include:
- Angulation Between Planned Implant Axis and Ideal Screw Channel Axis in Maxillary Incisors: A CT Study
AUTHORS: Cracknell, Tamsin; Tarnow, Dennis P.; Howes, Dale; Chu, Stephen J. - Guided Tissue Preservation: Case Report of a New Approach for Immediate Molar Replacement Using an Anatomically Shaped Implant and Healing Abutment
AUTHOR: Amato, Francesco - Single Tooth Replacement using Implants with Subcrestal Angular Correction Platform and All-Ceramic Crowns in The Esthetic Zone: 5-Year Prospective Study
AUTHORS: Tawse-Smith, Andrew; Ma, Sunyoung; Brown, Simon; Gray, Andrew - Immediately Loaded Full Arch Rehabilitation in Extremely Resorbed Upper Jaw with Angulated Implants Using Nasal Bone: Surgical and Ethical Analysis of a Case Report
AUTHORS: Nicoli, Giovanni; Nicoli, Federico; Ferraris, Pietro - Initial Crestal Bone Remodeling of Immediately Loaded Co-Axis Implants: A Radiographic Controlled Clinical Trial
AUTHORS: Glibert, Maarten; De Bruyn, Hugo; Östman, Par-Ölov - A Prospective Study on Immediate Molar Replacement Using Ultra-Wide Diameter Implants
AUTHORS: A. C. Hattingh, K. Eecklo, H. De Bruyn, S. Vandeweghe
#AOOrlando #AO2017Booth539 #SINA #Florida #DentalImplants #SouthernImplantsNorthAmerica #Dentists #OralSurgeons #Periodontists #MAXImplants #CoAxis